Consent to the newsletter - Products Supplying Company AGRO-V

Consent to the newsletter

Each time you switch to this resource, the site proposes to approve consent to the newsletter. If you are already our client, this consent was given at the time of registration or the first order.

In the process of registration, the user leaves some information about himself, which we use to maintain accounting calculations and business relations with the client. During the transfer of personal information, the user automatically consents to the processing of personal data, and also agrees with the privacy and liability policies.

There are cases when we are forced to disclose personal information about our customers. Before disclosure, each user receives a notification and has the right to refuse to transfer data to third parties. In almost all cases, we are obliged to ask you for permission to transfer data, and you are entitled to refuse or delete sensitive data from the resource.

These cases include:

  • The period of the action or competition, where we attract third parties to carefully organize and understand the needs of our client.
  • The transfer of data to the company that provides us with business assistance, that is, is engaged in promotion, advertising, provides support. In turn, this company has no right to distribute further personal information about you.
  • See, but not distribute, personal information about customers are entitled to subsidiaries of the company or those who hold at least 50% of the shares.
  • Affiliate programs that focus on promotion and advertising.
  • In the event that the rights to the company have been transferred to third parties, that is, the sale of the enterprise.

Law enforcement agencies under the following conditions:

1. Based on a court decision.

2. To prevent fraud attacks.

3. For legal or technical protection of the resource.

In all cases except the last, the user will receive a warning notice. After reviewing it, you can allow further actions or refuse them by deleting your data from the resource. In case of refusal, we will not be able to provide quality services and keep up to date with the events and activities of the company.

To unsubscribe from the user, you need to click on the link located at the end of each of our electronic notice. From now on, newsletters and offers from the AGRO-V online store will be stopped.