Rye is one of the crops that is actively grown in Europe.
It is used not only as food, but also as animal feed. It is known that this culture is used to make flour, starch and kvass, as well as alcohol. At the same time, in Europe itself, due to not the most favorable conditions in some countries, not enough of this crop is grown, and therefore it must be imported from other countries. Among the countries with the most attractive conditions for cooperation in this direction is Ukraine, which is located closest to Europe. This greatly simplifies the ability to deliver products and interact with suppliers.
Europe’s place in the global rye market
It is known that individual European countries are currently leading in the cultivation of this crop. In particular, rye is actively grown in Poland, Germany, as well as the Scandinavian countries.
At the same time, rye occupies only the eighth place in the world in terms of crop area, behind wheat, rice and barley. However, the processing of this crop is also actively involved in Europe itself – mainly in the same countries that grow this crop. For Ukrainian farmers, however, there is still room for trade with European countries, where this crop is grown less. To do this, Ukrainian manufacturers need to comply with the requirements of European legislation, prescribed in the rules of the Customs Union. In addition, it is worth monitoring the correctness of the paperwork and observing the technology of growing rye, which must comply with European rules.
Growing features
Ukrainian farmers, as a rule, grow rye on poor soils and in difficult climates, since this crop has a powerful root system and can easily assimilate the necessary trace elements from the soil. Also, this culture suppresses weeds well and shrubs well. Basically, rye is grown in the north of Ukraine, and with high-quality hybrids, up to six tons of harvest can be obtained per hectare.
Agrarians often use this crop as a fodder crop, since it provides a good increase in vegetative mass at a minimum cost of cultivation, but at the same time has a lower fodder value compared to wheat or corn.
As for the cultivation of this crop, hybrid varieties should be chosen for good yields, since with a lack of moisture it shows better yield results. In addition, this type of crop requires less fertilizers and pesticides, which will allow it to be sold to other countries, having received the necessary documents. By the way, rye is harvested much earlier than other winter crops, and this allows earning profit from the sale of this crop earlier.