Products Import in the EU

Features of soybean supplies to EU countries

As a rule, soybeans are grown on the Ukrainian market exclusively for export.

This crop accounts for 52.5% of the total export turnover from our country, and producers supply about 2 million tons of soybeans annually to other markets. The EU countries remain one of the main consumers of soybeans, since it is used not only for food, but also for industrial purposes, as well as as animal feed. Taking into account the fact that soybeans are grown a little in Europe, and the demand for it is extremely high, this crop has become one of the main ones for imports from Ukraine. When growing this crop, it must be remembered that its sales to European countries must be subject to certain requirements.

What is needed to supply soybeans to the EU

What documents should be prepared for exporting soybeans to Europe? The European Federation of Vegetable Oil and Protein Producers has issued a memo for producers of soybean seeds and other crops from which oil is obtained.

Potential limit values ​​for pesticide residues in food products, in particular soybean seeds, are indicated. Thus, the level of pesticides in soybeans should not exceed the norms defined by Regulation EC No. 396/2005.

The application for maximum levels of residues must contain the following information:

  • name and address of the applicant;
  • application dossier,
  • application summary
  • main substantive arguments
  • documentation index;
  • a copy of the relevant good agricultural practice related to the specific use of this active substance;
  • an overview of relevant issues raised in the available scientific literature about plant protection products and / or their residues;
  • the data listed in Annexes II and III to Directive 91/414 / EEC, toxicological data and data on routine analytical methods for use in control laboratories, and data on plant metabolism.

After that, the documents will be considered by the Office, after which it will become known whether the import of products into the country is allowed.

Features of import of soybeans

Of course, when supplying this crop to EU countries, producers must take into account the peculiarities that regulate this market in Europe. In 2018, the European Parliament outlined the basic requirements for the supply of soybeans from other countries, which must be adhered to when selling crops. In particular, we are talking about international agreements on trade – allowing duty-free imports of legumes and oilseeds. Because of this document, it became unprofitable to produce soybeans directly in the EU, but this opened a window of opportunity for Ukrainian producers to export products to other countries.

At the same time, it should be understood that Ukrainian soybeans, although it occupies a smaller share of imports to the EU, is still more organic, namely, organic farming is favored in Europe. While South America and the United States produce most of the soybeans using GMOs, Ukraine can offer natural grains grown without unnecessary modifications.

In addition, China has become another factor in favor of buying Ukrainian soybeans – this country imports a fairly large amount of soybeans from other suppliers, so Ukrainian producers can cover a larger market and expand partnerships with other countries.

By the way, most often the Ukrainian soybeans are bought by Italy, Greece and Spain. However, according to statistics, the Ukrainian product is also popular in the Netherlands, Germany, Poland and Hungary.

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