Products Import in the EU

Features of the supply of triticale to the EU countries

Triticale is considered a relatively young crop, which began to be grown as a replacement for wheat in areas where it is not possible to grow it.

Triticale is a mixture of wheat and rye, and the selection of this crop is actively continuing today, which gives farmers the opportunity to choose seeds for a plot of even the most unproductive composition. Flour, silage, haylage are made from this culture, and also used for animal feed in its pure form. In addition, in terms of protein content, this crop is significantly ahead of corn and wheat, and it is much easier to process it for feed. This makes triticale a good competitor to other grains. There are two types of triticale – winter and spring. Since the selection is carried out mainly on the territory of Ukraine and Russia, then the import of this crop is carried out into the EU from these countries.

What is needed for the supply of triticale to the EU

For Ukraine, there are specific features of the supply of triticale to Europe. The thing is that in 2020 the EU completed the recognition of the equivalence of Ukrainian seeds of such crops as oats, barley, wheat, rice, corn, and triticale. This means that Ukraine is now a country from which the import of these seeds is officially allowed, and the local certification system is valid in the EU as well. This greatly simplifies the supply of several crops at once to the territory of European countries, because local farmers no longer need to obtain quality certificates in other countries – Ukrainian documents are enough to carry out trade operations with counterparties from Europe.

Features of triticale import

It is important to take into account that when growing triticale, it is necessary to use special fertilizing – urea, phosphate and nitrogen fertilizers. At the same time, the composition of these substances must be checked for the presence of substances prohibited in the EU, because if their share exceeds 0.01%, then all products may be banned for sale in Europe. However, the technology of growing seeds for the domestic Ukrainian market, according to statistics, is identical to that which is acceptable in Europe, therefore it is important to obtain the documents necessary for trade in order to successfully export Ukrainian products abroad.

In addition to Ukraine, Australia, as well as Canada and the United States, actively trades triticale on the world market. However, European farmers prefer to buy Ukrainian goods, since their transportation is more environmentally friendly and in line with the new EU policy to reduce emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere. In addition, Ukrainian grain is considered to be of higher quality and is excellent for growing in European countries that are located in different climatic zones.

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