Products Import in the EU

Features of the supply of feed wheat to the EU countries

Feed wheat is in demand exclusively among those farmers who raise animals.

Farmers should take this fact into account when sowing grain, since this type of wheat cannot be used for human food in any way. But on the other hand, for animals, feed wheat is a fodder crop rich in essential carbohydrates. At the same time, this type of wheat is not grown on purpose, since fodder is a by-product of ordinary grain, that is, the grain that did not pass the control for the main sale.

The forage is used to feed pigs, cows, ducks, rabbits, geese, chickens and sheep. This grain contains a lot of starch and very little fat or other nutrients. Since this crop is always used for fodder, along with the supply of ordinary wheat, it is also exported to other countries.

What is needed for the supply of feed wheat to the EU

EU countries are actively purchasing feed wheat for animal feed. Ukrainian farmers occupy a firm place among the suppliers of this product. At the same time, the requirements for such grain are not very high. In particular, it should appear normal in color and condition, free from mold, have less than 5% litter and less than 15% grain impurities, less than 1% mineral impurities and less than 10% grain affected by head fungus. According to EU requirements, the grain must not contain foreign odors, not have dangerous infections and be whole. In addition, according to GOST, grain must have a concentration of metabolizable energy above 12 MJ per kilogram if it is used for cattle feed, from 13 MJ for poultry feed and more than 14 MJ for pig feed. It is also very important to track that the grain is not affected by insects dangerous to animals, and to confirm this with appropriate documents. You can learn more about the norms that apply to documents for such products on the website of the Customs Union.

Features of wheat imports for feed

It should be noted that Europe is engaged not only in import, but also in export of its own feed grain. At the same time, only feed barley is for sale, and, as a rule, it is sent to third world countries, but the EU buys feed wheat from other countries. The leader in this area, of course, is Ukraine, since local grain is actively sold on international markets. For several years in a row, grain from Ukraine has been purchased by the main companies Nibulon, Kernel and several other foreign corporations, which account for up to 71% of the total grain supply. It should be noted that from year to year, fodder sales remain at the level of up to 300 thousand tons per year, and this figure does not change, since this type of grain remains a priority for European farmers, regardless of the situation on the world market for trade in this product. Forage has a fairly low price, and the cost of this product also remains stable, therefore, local Ukrainian farmers can always count on profit from its sale.

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